Phantasmal MUD Lib for DGD

Phantasmal Site > Phantasmal Tutorials > OLC > Wandering Mobiles

Wandering Mobiles

Rooms and rooms and rooms... All without anybody in them except players. Sound familiar? It does if you've been using old versions of Phantasmal... But recent versions changed all that, and now you can too! Without further ado, we present the Wandering Mobile. Yes, whether you like it or not.

First, you'll need a body for your mobile. The body is generally a portable, and is created like any other. So you can start off with:

  > @new_port
  Added portable #314.
  > @set_brief #314 a wandergoblin
  Locale is US english
  Setting brief desc on object #314
  > @set_glance #314 a wandergoblin
  Locale is US english
  Setting glance desc on object #314
  > @set_look #314
  Locale is US english
  Enter text at the prompt.  Enter ~ on a line by itself to end.
   >It appears to be a wandergoblin.
  Set look description.

Now you've got a body for your critter. Let's make it move! Go ahead and type "@new_mob #314 wander". Obviously you should use your own mobile number, not necessarily the #314 in this example.

If you've done all this correctly, you should now have a wandergoblin which, every twenty seconds, selects an exit from its current room and exits. You win!

So what do you do next? I'm a big fan of online help, but there's also definitely something to be said for more tutorials...