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Phantasmal Site > Phantasmal Tutorials > OLC > Basic Objects (old way) Basic Objects the Old WayPhantasmal originally did its creation and editing of new objects with a command-line syntax for setting all the individual fields. Phantasmal has started the sea-change to the newer, easier way but it can still be a good idea to know the old syntax. The new way may not have the to-die-for absolute latest feature you're looking for, or you may just find the old one more convenient for minor edits. Go ahead and type "@new_room #2". It doesn't have to be room number 2, but this example will assume you cleared a bunch of stuff out. If you didn't, pick a free number other than two, or just type "@new_room" and let the MUD assign you a new room in whatever zone you're currently standing in. So let's make it more interesting. Type "@stat #2" which will show you some things about your room. It probably looks pretty generic at this point. Mine looks like this: > @stat #2 Location: (none) Descriptions (enUS) Brief: 'a room' Glance: 'a room' Look: 'You see a room here.' Examine: (defaults to Look desc) Nouns (enUS): Adjectives (enUS): Contains objects [0]: Contains 0 mobiles. Registered with MAPD as a room. That means it's nowhere, it contains nothing, its descriptions are quite generic, it has no nouns or adjectives. And what's "enUS"? Patience, grasshopper. Type "@goto #2" You'll show up in your room. For me, it looks like this: > @goto #2 You teleport to a room. a room You see a room here. ***** Exits: Now type "@set_brief #2 my boudoir". And then type "look" You'll notice the room's name changed. You can also type "@stat #2" to see the same change. Type "@set_look #2". You'll see something like this: > @set_look #2 Locale is US english Enter text at the prompt. Enter ~ on a line by itself to end. > Type several lines of description for your room. Then, after hitting return on the last one, go ahead and type a tilde (~) and hit return. That should finish off the description, which you're now stuck with until next time you change it. In addition to @set_brief and @set_look, there's @set_glance and @set_examine. I highly recommend their @help files. Okay, so now you can give an object a basic description. Fair enough. What else can you do with it? Well, you can move it around. Go ahead and move it to wherever you're standing -- type "@move #2 here", which will teleport it to be inside whatever room you're standing in. You can also teleport it somewhere else -- for instance "@move #2 #0" will move it into The Void. You can teleport there ("@goto #0") to make sure it arrived okay. You can also add nouns and adjectives to it, but we'll cover that in the section on portables. If you haven't had a look at the build help yet by typing "@help builder" I highly recommend it. You can also read some more tutorials. |