Phantasmal MUD Lib for DGD
Phantasmal Site > Phantasmal Tutorials > OLC > Basic Rooms Basic RoomsOkay, so now you can make a basic room, but you can't do much anything with it. What's next? Why exits, of course! Since you can make rooms and mess with their descriptions, next you need to make little sets of them. Lets get started. First of all, you should know what rooms are already there. The "@list_room" command, typed by itself, should give you a nice listing of the ones in your current zone. Incidentally, all this stuff is in the help -- you are reading the help, right? So now you want to make your own rooms. You can make new ones by typing "@make_room" just like in the last tutorial, or with "@new_room", the old way. If you do it the old way, make sure to check out the Zones tutorial at some point, too. So you know how to make rooms, and you can describe them in great detail. Being an experienced MUDder, you know that there are commands like "north" and "southeast" that are supposed to do their thing, yet not a one of them works in the rooms you created. You even checked the help (right?) to make sure that those commands existed, and lo and behold they did. Right. So. Exits. Go to one of your new rooms. Remember the number of another. I'll call it #37, though you should use the actual number of the room you want to connect to the room in which you're standing. From there (hold your breath) you type "@new_exit n #37". This will create an exit north from the current room into room number 37, and another exit south from room number 37 into this one. Cool, yeah? In addition to north, south, east and west, you can use exit names like northwest, southeast, up, down, in and out for a little more variety. The exit back to the room you're standing in will always be opposite the direction you type on the command line. Using this same trick repeatedly, you can connect your little maze of rooms together. How cool does that make you? You can also find out what exits are in the MUD by typing @list_exits, though that doesn't currently say where the exit comes from, only where it goes to. An important disclaimer: this is the old way to make exits, and has been superceded by a newer one which you should use instead. This will stop working at some point in favor of the new kind of exits. You have been warned. What next? Why more tutorials, of course! |