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Phantasmal Site > Phantasmal Tutorials > OLC > Containers


You've got basic objects. You long ago realized how cool being able to play with objects and put them inside each other is. You want this capability for your very own. This tutorial can help.

To make a container, first make a portable. You remember how to do that, I'm sure. Just mention things in its description that make it sound like a container -- call it a bag, or a breadbox, or a sleeping pod, or whatever seems like you could put stuff in it.

Okay. So you've got your portable object. I'll call it object #210, a large breadbox in the example below.

> @set_obj_flag #210 cont 1

> @set_obj_flag #210 open true

> @stat #210
Location: #4 (an old tunnel)
Descriptions (enUS)
  'a breadbox'
  'a largish breadbox'
  'You see an old breadbox, apparently meant to contain bread.  A faded logo
on the side may once have advertised the box's maker.'
  (defaults to Look desc)
Nouns (enUS): breadbox, box
Adjectives (enUS): bread, large, largish

Portable flags:
  container:  yes
  open:       yes

Contains objects [0]: 
Contains 0 mobiles.

Registered with PORTABLED as a portable.

> put turnip in breadbox
More than one object fits 'turnip'.  You pick one.
You put a shriveled turnip in a breadbox.

> look in large box
- a shriveled turnip

> put turnip in large bread box
You put a juicy turnip in a breadbox.

> look in large box
- a shriveled turnip
- a juicy turnip

> get dry shriveled withered turnip from large bread box
You get a shriveled turnip from a breadbox (taken).

See? Easy. The trick is the @set_obj_flags lines to create a container and open it. There'll be better commands for this stuff eventually, probably...

What do you read now? More tutorials as they're written, or you can start finally reading the help files. They're worth it. Really. Seriously. I promise. I wrote them.