Phantasmal MUD Lib for DGD

Phantasmal Site > Phantasmal API > API Listing > channel_list

API Function: channel_list

returns a list of channels available in the channeld

Defined In LPC Object:

mixed* channel_list(object user)

Can Be Called By:
System, Common, Game


The channel list is the one visible to the given user object. An admin, for instance, might be able to see different channels than a regular player.

Return Value:

An array of the form:

[Channel name, Channel number, extra data]

The extra data is used only for certain channels, to subscribe to only some of the announcements from that channel. The Channel Name is in the form of a Phrase, and so must be decoded before being displayed to the user.

Normally none

See Also:
get_channel_by_name , string_to_channel , subscribe_user