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Using DGD's parse_string Kfun

The parse_string kfun is a very powerful parser to which you supply a grammar of your choice. It's much like lex and yacc, and defines its own mini-language within DGD, much as lex and yacc do with C.

For a basic overview of parse_string(), please read dgd⁄doc⁄parser. It came with your DGD distribution. It will answer your basic questions. It's the most updated and most definitive document on how parse_string() behaves.


A parse_string() grammar has two types of symbols. One is for tokens, the other (called a 'production') is for nonterminal symbols. Every grammar must contain at least one token rule and at least one production rule.

The input string is first broken up into tokens and whitespace. Whitespace is ignored. The entire input must be parsed into valid, legal tokens or the parsing fails entirely. Then the tokens are parsed according to the nonterminal rules. There is a special 'whitespace' token rule, called 'whitespace', which is how whitespace is distinguished from regular tokens.

Tokens match longest-first — that is, the token rule that matches the longest chunk of test will be used, even if another token rule matches a shorter string 'more exactly'. If two rules match the same string (and thus the same length), then the rule that is first in the grammar will be used.

There is a special token rule, called 'nomatch'. If you say, in your grammar, mytoken = nomatch, then the token 'mytoken' will be used for any string that doesn't match another token. The nomatch rule can be quite inefficient. On a complicated grammar, though, it's usually still more efficient than using sscanf() or implode()⁄explode() rather than parse_string().

Production Rules

Literal Strings

If you use literal strings (like 'foo') in your production rules, then those literal strings will effectively be defined as tokens, and they will come 'first' in your grammar. That means that they will be matched as literal strings in preference to any other rule that you define. That can cause a problem with a grammar like:

  word = ⁄[a-z]+⁄

  rule : word 'foo'

Then the 'word' regexp will never match 'foo' because it is used in the grammar. A workaround here is to do something like this:

  word = ⁄[a-z]+⁄

  rule : _word 'foo'

  _word : word
  _word : 'foo'

Ambiguous Matching

DGD's parse_string, unlike most parsers, keeps track of all your ambiguous matches. That fact is both a great power and a great responsibility. What that means is that if your grammar allows something to be parsed a couple of different ways then DGD will keep track of them all while parsing. If there are two ways to parse a double-if statement with else (the else can go with either if) in your grammar, and you feed parse_string a chunk with fifteen of those, you'll find that DGD is keeping track of 2^15 (that's a little more than 32,500) different interpretations of your file. Then it will cheerfully return only the first. That's slow, just in case you hadn't guessed.

Similarly, if your grammar contains a rule like element_list: element_list ',' element_list and also a rule to have element_list match, say, an integer, then the input "17,25,3,17534,37,3524,2,1,359" will also have many possible parse trees, and will also take a very long time to complete. In a library like the Kernel Library that tries to prevent infinite loops, you'll usually find you're out of ticks and one of your rlimits() statements interrupts you midway through the parsing.

However, sometimes you want ambiguous parsing. For instance, you may have a natural language parser for player commands, and you'd like the player to be able to type "get down" and have it mean either of "get down from the platform" or "take the down pillow" according to two different grammar rules. DGD's parse_string will return both parses, and you can decide which makes more sense for the player currently. Most parsers won't find all ambiguous matches for a given grammar and input.

The parse_string() kfun allows you to specify how many ambiguous parsings you want returned. However, DGD will track all of them (or at least the first 32000 and some), no matter how few you specify, throughout the process. That's necessary because the LPC functions that you call on nonterminal rules can disqualify a particular parse tree, so you may need to keep all of them around to try out. If you say you want the first three returned, but only two of the first 10,000 parse trees turns out to be valid after your LPC code is called, then DGD did the right thing by not throwing away the next 10,000 parse trees, right?

Note that you can apply rules in different orders and get to the same parse tree. This does not cause ambiguous parsing, and does not come with a big speed penalty. When figuring out whether you can have ambiguous parses with your grammar, just look at whether the same input string can match multiple different parse trees.

Efficiency of parse_string() vs sscanf() vs explode()

The sscanf() solution is usually fastest for simple operations, especially if most of the text is static and there is only a single occurrence of the string you're trying to extract. If there are multiple occurrences and the pattern is simple, explode() (or a combination of explode() and implode()) is usually fastest. parse_string() is likely to be fastest in other cases, especially with a complex grammar.


parse_string() precalculates a significant amount of state (called a DFA) when it determines how to parse according to a particular grammar. When you first call parse_string(), this DFA is created and stored in the object that called parse_string(). That means that if you have multiple grammars, it is often faster to store them in multiple, separate objects so that each object can keep its own precalculated DFA rather than having to recalculate every time it changes from one grammar to another.

Other Tutorials

A fellow on the list named Steve Foley has graciously put together a tutorial on parse_string, with the aid of Erwin Harte. You can find it here.


Dworkin says: you can read up on grammars in books about compiler construction, the Chomsky language hierarchy, or even in Linux documentation for flex and yacc. A good book about compiler construction is:
Aho, Sethi, Ullman: Compilers -- Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Addison Wesley 1986, second edition

Par Winzell recommends the Dragon Book:
Principles, Techniques and Tools, by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman
Addison-Wesley 1986; ISBN 0-201-10088-6)


More Messages About Using parse_string()

From: Par Winzell
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 09:53:37 -0700
To: DGD Mailing List
Subject: Re: [DGD]parse_string

 > I wanna do some simple string replacements using regexp, but can't see an
 > easy way of doing it.  It looks like the parse_string() kfun will be able
 > to do it, if I could only work out what the hell the parse_string function
 > actually does.

Yes, parse_string()'s functionality easily encompasses (and exceeds)
regexp parsing. You feed it a grammar and the string to be parsed and
it tries to deconstruct the latter using the rules of the former.

It is a very generic mechanism that takes some getting used to, and
the reason it is presented in the documentation without examples and
such is probably that any decent computer science graduate will have
taken at least one course where he is forced to soak his mind in the
details of context-free parsing.

Here is a very simple grammar:

	whitespace = /[ ]+/
	colour = /blue/
	colour = /red/
	noun = /[a-zA-Z]+/

	Nonsense: colour noun
	Nonsense: Nonsense 'and' colour noun

The parsing does two things: first it chops the string into 'tokens',
and you instruct it precisely how to do that using the first bunch of
lines (in regexp format); spaces become whitespace, 'blue' and 'red'
are immediately dubbed 'colour', and any other string of letters is
a noun.

Tokenization is fundamentally a simple process (though parse_string()
does it in tricky ways) -- it eats input character by character in a
straight-forward manner and sorts the input into well-defined buckets.

If we send in the string 'blue yellow dog cat' it is categorized as

	blue:	colour
	<space>	whitespace
	yellow:	colour
	<space>	whitespace
	dog:	noun
	<space>	whitespace
	cat:	noun
	<space>	whitespace

The true glory of parse_string() is in the second process, guided by
the latter lines in the grammar. These lines specify what constitutes
a valid input string and what doesn't. If we just had one line,

	Nonsense: colour noun

then the only valid input strings would be

	blue dog
	blue cat
	yellow wombat

etc, etc. But, the second rule as you see is self-referential, which
is the source of the complexity. A valid input string is also defined
as any valid input string followed by 'and', colour, noun.

So if

	blue dog

is valid,

	blue dog and yellow cat

is also valid. Thus

	blue dog and yellow cat and green rocket

is also. To prove that it actually works,

> code parse_string("whitespace = /[ \n\r]+/\ncolour = /red/\ncolour = /blue/\n noun = /[a-zA-Z]+/\nFoo: Foo 'and' colour noun\nFoo: colour noun\n", "blue frog and red dog")
$53 = ({ "blue", "frog", "and", "red", "dog" })

> code parse_string("whitespace = /[ \n\r]+/\ncolour = /red/\ncolour = /blue/\n noun = /[a-zA-Z]+/\nFoo: Foo 'and' colour noun\nFoo: colour noun\n", "blue frog red dog")
$54 = nil

So you see, parse_string() returns nil when the input string doesn't
match the parsing rules. 'blue frog red dog' is not valid because two
parts must be conjoined with an 'and' inbetween.

If you want to dig further into the construction of these grammars,
there is a wealth of writings on the matter out there. The defining
text on compilers and parsing when I went to school was the dragon
book, and I'd imagine it still does the trick:

If there are problems with parse_string(), I'd say one of the major
ones is that you really have to be fairly well-versed in constructing
grammars to avoid a whole slew of pitfalls, as soon as you try to do
anything complex. We need a whole library of LPC wrappers around the
core functionality (IMHO) to make it really useful. The grammar texts
ought to be machine-generated from simpler specifications, with lots
of checks being made (e.g. for ambiguity).

A regexp package using parse_string() would be just such a wrapper,
and it should not be terribly difficult, since the token definitions
themselves are regexps.


Date: Thu Sep 27 11:59:00 2001
Subject: [DGD] 1.2.31

Mikael Lind wrote:

> Quoting Felix A. Croes from 20:39, 2001-09-26:
> > A word of caution about the nomatch token rule: this is a fallback rule
> > for the case when nothing else matches.  A possible match of all other
> > tokens will have been attempted at every position in a nomatch string,
> > so this can get very inefficient.  [...]
> Still, would not the nomatch token rule be a good way to implement
> regexplode(), recently discussed on this list?

It would be.  To put things in perspective, the standard implementation
for searching a regular expression in a string is even less efficient
than a DGD version using nomatch tokens.


Date: Thu Sep 27 12:50:01 2001
Subject: [DGD] string parsing..

On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 07:26:15PM +0200, Nico Lammers wrote:
> But now I still don't know how to use parse_string() ;-)
> It seemed to me that the examples I gave would be easy to do.. but maybe
> I'm wrong?

Hmm... using Elemel's code (untested):

    static string
    regsub(string str, string regexp, string subst)
	string *bits;

	bits = parse_string("whitespace = /" + regexp + "/\n"
			  + "text = nomatch\n"
			  + "TEXT: text TEXT\n"
			  + "TEXT:", str);
	return implode(bits, subst);

You could probably do this without the implode if you used a different
token than whitespace for the regexp and an extra function to replace
the token with the substitute text.

Erwin Harte

From DGD Mailing List  Thu Sep 27 13:06:01 2001
From: DGD Mailing List (Erwin Harte)
Date: Thu Sep 27 13:06:01 2001
Subject: [DGD] parse_string() example

This one I wrote in May '98, to parse config-files of something:

    parse_string("whitespace  = / +/\n" +
		 "string      = /\"[^\"]+\"/\n" +
		 "junk        = /./\n" +

		 "pattern     : sequence\n" +

		 "sequence    : options              ? pp_a\n" +
		 "sequence    : sequence options ? pp_b\n" +

		 "options     : element              ? pp_c\n" +
		 "options     : options '|' element  ? pp_d\n" +

		 "element     : string               ? pp_e\n" +
		 "element     : '(' pattern ')'      ? pp_f\n", line);

It would make an attempt at parsing lines containing stuff like this:

    "word0" (("word1" "word2") | "word3")

What the pp_[a-f] functions did I leave up to your own imagination.

Erwin Harte

From DGD Mailing List  Mon Dec 10 14:36:00 2001
From: DGD Mailing List (Felix A. Croes)
Date: Mon Dec 10 14:36:00 2001
Subject: [DGD] Re: Parse String and Virtual Objects

Par Winzell wrote:

> The if if else ambiguity isn't so bad, but there are examples
> that get very bad very fast...
> ... and now after writing all this, I don't remember if DGD does
> or does not suffer a slow-down from an ambiguius grammar if it
> is called without its third argument (which specifies how many
> ambigously valid parse trees to return at each branch point).

parse_string() will always attempt all possible ambiguous parsings,
even if you do not instruct it to return more than one parse tree.
This is unlikely ever to be a problem with parsing player commands,
but it can be terrible when you try to parse a much longer string
with a grammar that contains a few innocent mistakes.


From DGD Mailing List  Mon Dec  2 08:47:01 2002
From: DGD Mailing List (Jay Shaffstall)
Date: Mon Dec  2 08:47:01 2002
Subject: [DGD] Debugging a parse_string() grammar.


>I was wondering what a good way was to debug a grammar
>for use with parse_string().  I'm trying to write a
>grammar, but it never seems to parse the way I want it
>to, and was wondering if there was a way of figuring
>out why it parses the way it does.

One technique I've found helpful is to use an LPC function in the grammar 
to print out the tokens that match that rule.  That often gives me a clue 
as to why it isn't parsing the way I think it should be parsing.


From: DGD Mailing List (Erwin Harte)
Date: Thu Mar 20 22:47:01 2003
Subject: [DGD] parse_string() wierdness???

On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 08:36:52PM -0800, Keith Dunwoody wrote:
> I'm trying to develop a parse_string() grammar.  I'm
> expecting the grammar to be very large, so I'm putting
> it into another file, which I load at runtime.  At the
> top of my file, I defined whitespace as:
> whitespace = /[ \r\n\b\t]+/
>   grammar = "whitespace = /[ \r\n\t\b]+/\n" + grammar;
> it works!  It seems that the parse_string() doesn't
> convert '\n' etc into newlines.  Is this the correct
> behaviour?

Remember that for strings in LPC code, normal conversion code applies,
so occurances of \r, \n, \t, \b are converted to the relevant ASCII.

When you read the same looking text from a file you get what would be
equivalent to \\r, \\n, \\t, \\b if you put them in LPC strings.

So, yes, this is what you should expect, if you want to read your
grammar from a file you'll want to do some conversions that under
normal circumstances the LPC parser would do for you.

Hope that helps,

Erwin Harte

From DGD Mailing List  Thu Mar 20 22:50:02 2003
From: DGD Mailing List (Jay Shaffstall)
Date: Thu Mar 20 22:50:02 2003
Subject: [DGD] parse_string() wierdness???


>I'm trying to develop a parse_string() grammar.  I'm
>expecting the grammar to be very large, so I'm putting
>it into another file, which I load at runtime.  At the
>top of my file, I defined whitespace as:
>whitespace = /[ \r\n\b\t]+/

Here's my take on this, from doing something similar in Phantasmal's UNQ 
format.  When you include the whitespace token in LPC, the \n is converted 
to a newline as part of interpreting LPC, not by 
parse_string.  parse_string gets a string that already has newlines in it.

When you have the \n in a file, and read it in using read_file, what you 
get are two characters, '\' and 'n'.  If you want that converted to a 
newline, you'll have to make a pass through yourself to detect the common 
escape sequences and insert the correct single character into the string, 
before calling parse_string.


From DGD Mailing List  Tue Mar 25 23:24:00 2003
From: DGD Mailing List (Erwin Harte)
Date: Tue Mar 25 23:24:00 2003
Subject: [DGD] comments in parse_string() grammars?

On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 09:10:19PM -0800, Keith Dunwoody wrote:
> Is there any way of putting a comment in a
> parse_string() grammar?

No, this is a typical case of DGD's bare bones approach, you are
encouraged to write a wrapper that strips out the comments (whichever
commenting style you prefer) and present the stripped grammar to the
actual parse_string() kfun.

This also gives you the opportunity to do other conversions if you so
desire, like embedding LPC code into the grammar that you detect and
deal with appropriately.

This could be as simple as this (warning: uncompiled/untested code):

    mixed *
    parse_string(string grammar, string str, varargs int alternatives)
        int i, sz;
        string *lines;

        lines = explode(grammar, "\n");
        for (i = 0, sz = sizeof(lines); i < sz; i++) {
            if (lines[i] && strlen(lines[i]) && lines[i][0] == '#') {
                lines[i] = nil;
        return ::parse_string(implode(lines, "\n"), str, alternatives);

Hope that helps,

Erwin Harte

From: dgd at (Par Winzell)
Date: Wed Feb 27 14:09:00 2002
Subject: [DGD] Question...


>   I store rooms, portables and helpfiles in large files with large numbers
> of entries -- I used to store one help entry per file, and it starts to
> suck pretty quickly.  The problem with storing one room, portable or
> (gag) exit per file is the sheer number of files that build up.

We've tinkered with this consideration too; large files of associated 
objects (which CVS handles well, but absolutely requires O(N) style 
algorithms) or individual small files, which can get really hairy.

>   But then, I don't use save_object() -- I use an XML-like structured
> storage language called UNQ with XML-like DTDs.  And it means that certain
> kinds of bugs *are* just tough to track down.  I may start having to use
> explode() to cut the file up into sections before doing my current
> parse_string parsing -- otherwise when a file isn't parsed as valid UNQ
> parse_string will just return nil and I have no idea where the error is.

Indeed. I wrote two versions of our XML parser; one using parse_string() 
and one not. We ended up using the non- version. This makes me unhappy, 
because it is clearly inefficient -- not the recursive descent bit but 
the tragic low-level fiddling with individual bytes -- that really cries 
out for native execution. That said, Felix has added some stuff to the 
parse_string() grammar to allow better error handling. Did you look at 
that? It does slow down parsing in some way that I have not understood 
entirely -- and I have not had time to play with it at all really -- but 
it does let you add 'nomatch' tokens which you can then use in error 
productions, which should be able to pinpoint your errors much better.

I'd love to hear from somebody who's tried this out in practice.

>   But for bugs after parsing has occurred, I just have a lot of error
> checking code so if there's a bug I know what entry it's in -- I make sure
> my error message tells me.  And when doing the DTD structured parsing
> after the parse_string pass I actually keep a separate parser_error stack
> of error messages so I can find out exactly what the problem is, and in
> what entry.  It's a lot of error check code, but I wrote it once and now I
> use it almost everywhere.

I don't really understand this paragraph at all, I'm afraid. :)
