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3.0 LPC basics

This chapter will teach you the very basics of programming, essential for understanding what follows. It will also introduce you to the concept of object oriented programming and explain some of the mudlib.

3.1 Basic programming concepts

We begin with he basic programming principles and the structure of LPC and the LPC environment.

What is programming?

This is a very philosophical question. This book will answer it very practically instead. Programming basically is the art of identifying a problem and putting the solution into symbols a computer can understand. A good programmer has a highly developed ability to see how a given problem can be split into smaller problems. He has several solutions to each of those small problems. He knows which particular solution he should pick to make the result as effective as possible for the exact problem he is solving, and the exact way he is solving it.

A programmer, as the previous passage suggests, actually tells the computer how to solve a problem. A computer can not come up with a solution to a problem itself. However, it's a lot quicker than you are, so problems that you can solve but would take you several lifetimes are handled quickly by the computer.

What you need to learn is that special way of thinking that allows you to do this 'subdividing' where you see the steps needed to get from the beginning state to the solved state. You also need to learn the methods that make up these steps. This tutorial won't teach you 'how to program', it will only teach you the language used to write the program.

Who'll teach you programming then, if you don't already know how to? Other administrators, if you're working on somebody's else's game, and of course yourself. Hard work is the primary way that people learn to program. But since you'll need to put many hours into it, there are worse ways than a MUD to learn what you need to know.

Compiled/Interpreted code

Programs are nothing but files full of instructions for the computer. To program is to write lists of instructions in such a way that the computer reaches a predefined goal and accomplishes a task. Usually a program is compiled - translated - into a low-level code expressed in binary symbols (high and low electrical states in computer memory) which the computer understands with ease. The actual language you use to program is merely a convenient go-between, a compromise which both you and the computer can understand. The reason you compile code is that the translation step is fairly complicated and time-consuming. You'd rather just do that once and then store the result, using it directly over and over again.

LPC however, isn't usually compiled -- it's interpreted. The instructions are read and translated to the computer one by one, executed and forgotten. That's not 100% true. In fact, the driver translates the LPC code into an intermediate simple instruction code. When you run an LPC program, the instruction set is traced, line by line as described above, causing the computer to execute a predefined set of actions defined by the instructions.

The difference between having interpreted and compiled code is that while the compiled code is quicker, the interpreted version is much esier to modify. If you want to change something in the compiled version you have to make the change in the source code, then recompile and store the new version, then try it out. With interpreted code you just make the change in the source and run it. With LPC you need to instruct the driver to destroy the old object instruction set as well -- more about that later.


Programs are described above as files containing instructions to the computer. LPC programs are just programs written in the LPC language. These files should be named something ending in the letters `.c' (e.g. `test.c') so that the driver knows that it's dealing with an LPC program. Program names can be any string of printable characters less than or equal to 32 characters in length, beginning with a letter. However, in practice it is recommended that you limit yourself to less than 16 letter strings containing only lowercase letters. If you want the name to contain two or more words, separate them with the `_' character (e.g. `my_file_name.c'). If you're really cautious, you can limit yourself to MS-DOS 8.3 filenames, those with no more than eight characters before the dot, no more than one dot and no more than three characters after the dot.


An object in LPC is simply a copy of an existing and loaded program in computer memory. When a program is loaded into memory to produce a master object the code is compiled to produce the instruction list. A new chunk of memory is associated with it for internal global variables (described later). When a copy, a clone of this program is made, a special reference called an object pointer is created. That pointer is given a reference to the master code instruction list and a unique chunk of memory. If you clone the object another time, a new pointer is created and a new chunk of memory allocated. When an object is destroyed its associated memory is freed for use by other objects, but the instruction list is kept untouched. An object is always cloned from the master object. If you want to change the program you must update the master object to instruct the driver that a new list of instructions is to be compiled from the source code.

Object makeup

An object is comprised of things called functions and variables. A function is a set of instructions you can reference by a name. A variable is a kind of data container for use by the functions. Some functions are already defined by the driver. They are called external functions, or efuns. DGD calls them kernel functions, or kfuns Functions defined in LPC code are called local functions, or lfuns. To confuse matters further there is a set of functions that count as efuns, but are written in LPC. These functions are sometimes called simulated efuns or sfuns. DGD calls them auto functions or afuns. Luckily, you don't really need to remember any of that.

A kernel function is a function that is implemented by the driver. Usually that means that it's impossible to create in LPC. Take for example the function write_file() that allows you to write bytes to a file. It's impossible to make that up from other functions in LPC, so it has to be in the driver. This kfun is available in all LPC programs under DGD, though it may be masked by the AUTO object to appear different or behave differently.

The function add_exit() adds an exit in a room. It is only available in specific object types, rooms in this case. It is written in LPC. It's a good example of a local function. Lfuns are usually part of the makeup of the environment in which the objects are used, and they often operate on mudlib or domain data. Add_exit(), for instance, is aware of directions and travel costs, a very limited and specific concept.

The function creator() is a good example of the third case. It's a function that is available in every object. It returns information about who created a certain object. This information is specific to the environment since it deals with such notions as code localization, and mainly because the driver doesn't directly export such a function. This kind of function is easy to write in LPC but must be available in all objects, as if it were a kernel function. The AUTO object is inherited by every other object except the Driver LPC object. For reasons that are explained later, this means that public functions of the AUTO object are available from every other object. This is what gives the name "AUTO functions", or afuns. This functionality is perfectly transparent to you; you just use them as you use any other kernel function.